DeMarcoIP was officially formed on January 1, 2007, but the team members of DeMarcoIP bring with them decades of experience working with patents and performing patent searches for clients worldwide. Most importantly, the team members of DeMarcoIP also subscribe to three key elements:
Always do the best job you can.
The client comes first.
Integrity must never be sacrificed.
It is this dedication to job and client, along with ingrained integrity, that has allowed us to grow very rapidly since our founding to become an industry leader in patent searching. We truly believe that patent searches of the highest quality will save clients time, money, and reputation. But, whether that search is done prior to filing an application, to clear a new product line, or in answer to a litigation threat, only high quality searches will suffice for your needs.
DeMarcoIP was officially formed on January 1, 2007, but the team members of DeMarcoIP bring with them decades of experience working with patents and performing patent searches for clients worldwide.